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Project fucking Euler #254
Project euler
Mon, 20 Dec, 2010 14.14 UTC

I have spent a few hours working on this and have come up with a solution but would most likely need an infinitely more speedy computer for the computation to finish. I let the compiled version run for over an hour with no result. Great, eh? Here’s my code so far:

-- Define f(n) as the sum of the factorials of the digits of n.                 
-- For example, f(342) = 3! + 4! + 2! = 32.                                     
-- Define sf(n) as the sum of the digits of f(n). So sf(342) = 3 + 2 = 5.       
-- Define g(i) to be the smallest positive integer n such that                  
-- sf(n) = i.                                                                   
-- Though sf(342) is 5, sf(25) is also 5, and it can be                         
-- verified that g(5) is 25.                                                    
-- Define sg(i) as the sum of the digits of g(i). So sg(5) = 2 + 5 = 7.         
-- Further, it can be verified that g(20) is 267 and                            
-- sg(i) for 1 <= i <= 20 is 156.                                               
-- What is sg(i) for 1 <= i <= 150?                                            

-- This does not finish! I need a better way to compute g.                      

module Main

import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

factorial :: Integer-> Integer
factorial n | n < 0 = factorial (-n)
            | n < 2 = 1
            | otherwise = n * factorial (n-1)

intToDigitArray :: Integer-> [Integer]
intToDigitArray = map (\x -> toInteger $ ord x - 48) . show

sumFactorialOfDigitArray :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumFactorialOfDigitArray = sum . map factorial

-- f(n)                                                                         
f :: Integer-> Integer
f = sumFactorialOfDigitArray . intToDigitArray

-- sf(n)                                                                        
sf :: Integer-> Integer
sf = sum . intToDigitArray . f

g :: Integer-> Integer
g 1 = 1
g i = (+1) . snd . last . takeWhile (\p -> fst p /= i) . map (\n -> (sf n, n)) $ [1..]

sg :: Integer-> Integer
sg = sum . intToDigitArray . g

ans = sum . map sg $ [1..150]

main = putStrLn $ show $ ans


As you can see, the computation of g runs through everything from 1 up to i, computing each sf(i) along the way. This is the source of the never ending computation, methinks.

Something that occurred to me is that I could find every number which could could result in i if I added up their digits. The problem with extraneous zeros is daunting, however.


Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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