
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Blog -

What I'll wear to your burial
Sat, 15 Oct, 2016 10.31 UTC

Here, I shall set out a few goals for the coming weeks. I shall accomplish but few of them, if any at all, but I certainly have a grand time making plans for the imminent future.

Before I do so, I shall procrastinate one moment by telling my gentle and teary reader that I am listening to a beautiful album called The Room by Harold Budd. I recommend it to all. Actually, I began it last night as I was winding down from self imposed lessons in the semi-new GraphQL, which so far, toots my muffin mightily. The album itself will wind down soon, possibly just as I am finishing this entry. I shall move on to something more agitative as I continue my lessons.

So, goals:

  • Rewrite Martenblog using GraphQL.
  • Write android / ios app for Martenblog using Cordova.
  • Thurk with Tidal Cycles for at least thirty minutes a day.
  • Continue with GOAT, which involves at the moment Albahaca and Stone Calendar. This will probably not be possible every day.
  • Practise guitar every day.
  • Vomit on an infant left in a pram outside of a pub every other day.
  • Snort a powdered anvil.
  • Stir up a ruckus.
  • Fuck um.
  • Scribe brilliances.

Let the debauchery begin.

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Mastodon Gemini Funkwhale Bandcamp