The giant hammer stands, or rather squats, over the dry, patchy landscape. The scant blades of grass in its ever-moving shadow reach up almost reverently. Their capabilities of growth are limited, however. The denizens who call the grass their gods scurry beneath. They have no real concept of the hammer. It is too vast. A lifetime of one of these small creatures would pass were it to try to traverse from the base of the structure to its summit. It's ever-moving summit. So the three levels of existence perp...
I pain myself at the moment, as people beg my pleasure. I am immaculate. I stand proud to be loved. Or at least wanted. Or at least questioned. Well, what is the difference, really? I encouraged Christián to create a blog. He will not because he craves immediate satisfaction. Oh... I know that I do, as well, but he is more adept at it and that is why it is easier for him to fail. ...
Let's make another dichotomy. *There* are ones who spend their lives delving deep into a subject. Then *there* are ones who stay the drug of knowledge and instead go broadly into many subjects. The former are the celebrated. The latter are the ones who can communicate with all, but are easily forgotten. Then there are those who attempt to do both at once. They die in a mire of quicksand which envelops like a predator. ...
Discussion now centres around how the Uralic culture always wants their children to grow up around reindeer. *You cannot be a human without reindeer around you*. And the transfer of values to children because of this let them grow up in a ethically rich way and pass the same values on to their own culture. If this were me, the world would be a desert. Desolation. Nothing. My childhood should not be passed on. ...
Is *quality of life* the freedom to be your own boss and to have freedom from the chains of country and culture? Or is *quality of life* accumulating material things? This is another black and white question. Think about it as on axis, or a plane. ...
The dichotomy of black and white as opposed to living without any kind of conflict because no conflict actually exists. *Western Culture* creates a sense of good and evil in everyone. Without something to fight against, there is nothing to define ourselves by. Indigenous people who live in harmony with their own ecosystem accept all around them as it is - they are *harmonic*, if you will, to use a cliché'd phrase. The mentality of black and white simply doesn't exist. There is no reason to define oneself b...
Discuss. ...
The indigenous people who live in the *Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug* have a tradition where they name a place after the person who is buried there. This means that as generations go by, the names of places change. They are as fluid as the people themselves, overreigned by a immutable tradition. ...
I am split between the idea of saving a race or group of a species (including humans) who have been overtaken and passed by the remainder of the world and left far behind and letting them die out as most non-adaptive creatures have in the past. Technology is the main culprit for this rushing onward. Being left behind means inevitable death. Being a sort of conservation *biologist* (I should really put that word in quotes), I veer towards the former path. I clearly see that the latter road is the one that ...
I sit alone in the huge room of the ground floor of the guest house in *Viidu*. I drove Kairi to the bus station in Kuressaare where she departed at 8.20. I did not wait for her to depart. She took her backpack and bag, told me *it was fun for me* and walked away. I drove first to fill up the vacant truck with diesel then *tagasi Viidusse*. We attempted to guess each others' ages during the drive. She estimated 33 for me. I, 25 for her. Apparently, we are both older that the guesses, but we did not state o...
Kairi is at the table to my left. The wooden *dinner* table of this guest house in *Viidu*. She re-entered the room perhaps forty minutes ago and we have not spoken a single word to each other in that time. Nothing is particularly wrong, however. I categorize us as *friends* at this point and if friends wish to be silent and self-absorbed, they should be allowed to be. One great problem I faced in the past with relationships is not being able to give the other person space to do their own things - to be se...