I am walking from a small town in north-western Spain with this song playing in my ears. Ah, the whole album, not just this song. The most telling and touching one comes next. The sign says 100 metres to the turnoff to the campsite and the beach. I count steps along with the 4/4 of it. I am glorified in my solitude. I am not looking forward to reaching the tent, intend to purchase a flask of beer before arriving though I know she'll be angry, questioning the reason though she knows it gives me temporary esc...
I am in El Paso. Perhaps this is playing in the background. Acy is on the phone. I am running up a bill that I'll never be able to pay. We speak and laugh. We always laughed at our absurdities. It healed me whilst I was alone. I lie on that small, uncomfortable bed. Papers are scattered on the floor around a keyboard on which I wrote the bass part for 'Tomorrow Never Came'. Tony played it pretty much to perfection. He is always diligent in that manner. It plays also in my truck, uncared for but functional, ...
I am on my bed in Jester Hall in Austin ... the University of Texas. John is not with me in the room. I am alone with his posters of Stryper and other hair-metal bands of the day. (Days long gone.) The chords Marty Willson-Piper fades in and out grip me with their raw value. I would say power, but this is not metal. Acy introduced me to this album and it remains etched even to this day. But I am flying to the future. I wonder were there days when I wandered around the campus listening to this very song - th...
I struggle with the guitar part in my flat in Seattle whilst Brynn does other unknown things in the bedroom. When my guitar sits in my lap and my lips try to force the syllables which churn from my breast. I don't complete it. But the sentimentality of the piece coats me senses as I begin again and again. Brynn enters and I show her the chords and the melody. She dares not play, so I do it. She sings a bit. We retire to hear the original (the same which plays in my ears at the moment, sometime in the future...
It's 1991 and I am in my room in College Station. It is only a few minutes walk to Chris and Jayson's place. I am staring blankly at the white walls adorned with a few posters (one of Kate Bush). This song plays and I am melancholy, as the music demands. Kindle floats through my mind and ideas of a liaison with her taunts. It is an unrequieted future. I should have known from the outset. ...
I cannot understand it, though many years I have listened to it. It is grand, but bizarre. I calamyty.I grant my soul as a bitch. Scratching pages don't matter. I am wasted. ...
Clap your hand because you want to die. Every victim is searching for his hangman. Sigh. ...
Listening to Amon Duul now takes me back to 1997 where Brynn and I were stoned out of our mind listening to music of my choice. One night is most rememberable, however: She was stoned out of her mind and collapsed onto the bed (or pretended to, perhaps) and I put on Operation: Mindcrime by Queensryche (an awful album, as I have come to see). I undulated to the singular unadorned riffs whilst she slept. As an aside, highchool brought this album to presence. Miller and Ira were obsessed with it. Well,maybe on...
Can it be? Shall it be? Will it be? Is it inevitable? What is Pohanka, anyway? Destruction is all I have ever sought. It creeps in my stillness and energizes my manic times. I slithered to Karolina's place, laced with vodka, the other night, and fonud myself unknowning of myself or of anything natural (though this is, in some ways, a transcendental state). God damn it! So I am banned from there for eternity. (Eternity is a very small amount of seconds for poor Karolina.) I tried to watch 'Idiocracy', but...
I was just thinking about lack of sleep and that sometimes you must make up for your downtime with uptime which dissolves, like salt does to water, whatever downtime you have made. Though the saline permeates, it can be driven away by other measures, such as piloting to the sea. Though I don't know if that is for me. I wonder how far the sea is right now. The UK. Hello, home. My parents say that I only care about myself. But, actually, they care about me caring about them, which is caring about themselves...
1. Do you think people have any misconceptions about you? > I think they all do. 2. Do you own shoes that cost more than $100? > Well, what is the exchange rate now? Um... I'd say yes. 3. What did your last text message say? > "What's up, eh? I'm leaving the cafe in 15 short minutes." 4. What show did you last watch? > The latest episode of Lost. 5. Do you wear Hollister? > I don't wear anything which begins with the letter H. 7. Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like? > No. 8....