I sit at a table in the aeroport in Houston, awaiting my flight to Orlando. I am filled with an inchoate rage as I observe the remainder of humanity, going about their movement from place to place as if there is no overhanging emptiness waiting to engulf them. They pursue minutiae in subconscious hopes that it will give meaning to moments they just place aside never to return to. Some of them have succumbed to biological imperative and descended into tribal lust for the survival of a small bubble they labe...
I dug this up from a file I had been making on my telephone whilst trudging randomly around Nashville in 2013 - sometimes even at the Zoo and sitting below towering giraffes and / or surrounded by bustling wallabies. Oh! The good ol' days! Cough. Sputter. > “ALL AROUND YOU PEOPLE ARE JUDGING YOU SILENTLY,” warned a 1922 ad for Woodbury’s soap. Though not related directly to this quote, what comes to mind is tangential. Tangential ideas toot my muffin. They enhance the darkness that extends from the membr...
I woke up as usual at five in the early morning. Though I could not see it, I sensed the black of night expanding away from the house and into the infinity of desert sky. I had had a dream featuring Lucía. She's someone I think of from time to time, though not as frequently as one might expect given the part she played in my _decade of unrest_ (la decada de desasosiego / saqen lip tetyk liz li omikon hupum xutz myx liz). I had to pause there to make that translation into Lakife, which I am not sure is the _...
Sometime in the early fall of 2021, I wrote, sitting on a bench in Pagan Park: > The waft of mental filth roams with me through the park. It is a space without its personal memory. It is merely a collector. Like most spaces, it prompts the memories of those who wander within its confines. The babe without a single drop of remembrance would swim in the nostalgia of all that came before. I soaked up myriad musings stretching back to the dawn of the universe as I sat on that bench. I _was_ the babe without a...
So, Renata has handed me the lyrics to Olšanské Hřbitovy. They are the following: ``` Sluneční žár zalévá hrob svým nektarem žlučovitým smrt se nezdá smrt je tu všude ``` The sun's heat waters the grave. It is its nectar. The desiccating corpse below the ground is slowly emptied of water. It no longer needs its water or water from elsewhere. It's DONE, vole! Watering the grave with the sun's rays is a method of display, though also of outer decay, as the tomb itself will erode with time. I've probably m...
My productivity went UP yesterday. I actually spent "quality" time practising guitar, plus I added a section to Gibbet. _Gibbet_ is the working title. The piece doesn't actually sound like a gibbet, as there are too many major 7 chords one after another, cascading. There is one Jazz Standard that also does that for a time. It may be Alice in Wonderland. That being claimed, the whole is not focused around major 7 chords. The main sequence seems to ever return to a harmonic major tonality. One day, some one w...
I've been awake for less than ten minutes and I can already feel the fatigue pulling my eyes inwards. Normally Herr Jet Lag doesn't last this long. Or does he? It's nearly five in the morning in Seminole. My time here so far has been wholly unproductive creativity-wise. Within me is a piercing guilt. Perhaps it is a gradually newfound perception of mortality that creates this guilt. It's not a guilt associated with any harm I've done or could do to others. It's as if I am cutting myself down with the blad...
My dreams during the night, and especially dawntime, were as clear as the air between my smudged window and El Parque de los Enamorados. The last one featured Loyal as not a drum instructor but a _meta-drum instructor_. What is a _meta-drum instructor_, you ask? Well! A _meta-drum instructor_ collects information about potential students and, according to that information, assigns a _non-meta-drum instructor_ to said student. In the dream, I was the potential student. A group of us were sitting around the...
@rusty@sonomu.club _tooted_ the album that I'm listening to as I begin to scribe today's entry. It may be this _week's_ entry, actually, as I've been _slacking_ on my blog writing duties. I laughingly call them "duties". As if I owe _words_ anything. What have _words_ ever done for me? Absolutely nothing! They only suck up time and energy as they bombard me from every angle - acute, obtuse and metaphorical. Unfortuntely, to fit into any clan at all and be somewhat comfortable in said clan's bubble, one must...
My parents informed me a few days ago that their friend Noka is now a corpse. Those are my words, of course, since, according to those who don't _get_ my so-called dark humour, I am an insensitive galoot. Be that as it may, Noka is now a corpse. Though it is a common thing, it still astounds me the ease at which a human can transition from a dynamic state into corpse-state. Noka experienced this transition after living for more than eighty-two years. According to my parents, she simply _gave up_. She had st...
Since November is, as they say in the old lands, _just around the leering hulk of the mutant termite mound_, I've begin to prepare initial ideas of tracks for the so-called _Noisevember_. Noise! Everyone likes noise. Noise is the ever present fluid that allows us to swim through life. Those who take time to sculpt it to be their own are exquisite or damned. One of the two or something lurking within the infinite in-between. Actually, one idea, currently titled _Mollusk Pantheon_ is mostly done. It blossomed...